door: Elke Sockeel – Influencer, Girl Boss, Power Woman
“I felt like fixed hair extensions were the right solution for my problem. Probably they witness customers like me walk in everyday, but they were so patient and professional, providing me with all the information I needed in order to make the decision I felt most comfortable with.”
Hey guys! I’m back being a little bit wiser about a certain beauty trend that’s been trending everywhere on instagram lately. Exact 4 months ago I posted a picture of a slightly different new hair do. For the first time and after a long time of contemplating I tried hair extensions. I had tried clip ins before, but I was looking for a subtle solution for daily wear. After a little bit of research I ended up at Rana Hair in Antwerp. Caroline and Bastiaan are the owners of this company specialized in hair extensions and they actually work with their own brand Rana. I always thought keratin fixed hair extensions would never ever be for me, but after bombing them with a lot of questions and information about myself and my hair routines/habits, I felt like fixed hair extensions were the right solution for my problem. Probably they witness customers like me walk in everyday, but they were so patient and professional, providing me with all the information I needed in order to make the decision I felt most comfortable with. It may sound a bit exaggerating for some of you, but hair is just a very sensitive subject to me and I’ve had a lot of hair issues last year (my lengths broke halfway because I dyed, colored and declared just way too much last year…blue, pink and peach was just a little bit too much for my hair to take in one year).
I had mid half long hair and I wanted to keep the length, I just wanted to add volume. So Rana Hair suggested me to add 50 invisilocks in the color of my lower lengths to maintain the ombre color effect that I already had. That is the minimum to add some volume. If you want extra length, you will need about 100 to 150 pieces. I always thought keratin fixed hair extensions would look like beauty pageant hair, so I was pretty shocked how natural and invisible the results were :) Follow them here on instagram so you can see their makeovers.
So, having them 4 months now, I think I can clear out a few myths about extensions (these were especially mine before I had them):
It’s not beauty pageant hair.
One of my main concerns. Nothing is less true than this, you can choose the volume and length as you want and they will even cut it in the shape to match your original hair. Your hair can look flawless and natural at the same time, not like you’re in the running for a beauty pageant (but if you want, they can do that too of course :))
You don’t feel them.
I never felt like there was something heavy pulling my hair, it feels just natural like your own hair. Ok, you could feel them a little bit if you’re laying on the back of your head but in the beginning I always made a braid to not be bothered by my hair when I’m sleeping.
They’re actually low maintenance.
I wash my hair 1 to 2 times a week because guess what?! Not like your own hair, they don’t become greasy because simply it’s cut off hair. Plus, the Rana extensions are 100% real human hair so you can curl, straighten, or style them just the way you want. When I curl mine, they last about 2 to 3 days even with a few nights of sleep in between. Super low maintenance if you ask me.
You can’t see it’s fake.
Not at all, even my best friends couldn’t tell the difference between my own hair and extensions when looking close. They have a wide range of colors and can even mix different colors if that is what your natural hair looks like too.
No damage has been reported so far.
Didn’t really notice anything so far. They say you lose more hair because of them, but if you replace them in time (so they don’t stress your hair too long and too much by growing out), your hair should not fall out more than it does like every other person (you lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day). I’m sure it’s good for my hair that I’m washing (and brushing) them less than before. Just make sure you protect your own hair and the extensions with anti-heat when you blow-dry, curl or straighten them.
Plenty of styling options.
I’d say I have more styling options now that I have more and better looking hair. In a low ponytail, high bun, even 2 low buns/braid, anything goes. Just make sure you check so no keratin fixating point is visible, and if so you just tuck it deeper under your natural hair.
Less expensive than I thought.
Maybe the biggest misbelief about extensions. My treatment (purchase and placement of 50 invisilocks) was 200€ and lasts for minimum 4 months. Ideally you replace them after 4 months because they grow out eventually. Before, when I was still dying my hair, I had to re-dye them every 2,5 months and it costs about 150€ per dye. So it’s actually cheaper than what I was doing before.