Rana: The secret why my hair is so big!
door: Marissa Galle – Influencer, Girl Boss, Power Woman
“Well, after getting all this information, why not ask for RANA hair extensions for Christmas? A new look and a boost of confidence to carry you into the new year and beyond. Everyone want’s to look beautiful and fabulous during the Holidays.”
As everyone knows I’m a big fan of RANA hair extensions. I had to live a week without because of my hairdresser, Toni Kalin, gave me a total hair makeover en bleached my hair. It’s possible in combination with the hair extensions to color your hair, I did it before but it was just the moment to change to new extensions so I used the opportunity to refresh my color.
I have to admit I really missed my big hair, so I couldn’t wait to go back to RANA for my new extensions. My previous extensions I wore 4 months, my hair had grown super hard and it was still very healthy. Toni found it a pleasure to work with such healthy hair after having extensions.
That’s why my hair is so big, it’s full of secrets
With hair extensions you have so many more options in hair styles! Who doesn’t want a big ponytail like Ariana Grande or a million different looks as Kim Kardashian … their secret are also hair extensions! They can solve a multitude of hair needs, from fixing an impulse cut to trying out bangs for a night. Because extensions hair has been processed, it curls better, so you don’t have to be an expert to get curls for the Holidays. It’s just much easier and they stay longer.
Even if you want to try out ombré highlights without coloring your hair, extensions are life saviors! Choose extensions that match your base color, with your desired lightness at the ends and you have a perfect ombré!
In my last blog about RANA you will learn more about the different techniques that are possible. My favorite technique are invisilocks or keratin-bond extensions, these are tiny strands of real human hair. The extensions themselves look like a small wisp of your own hair, but with a keratin-based dried “glue” at one end. They can be curled, dyed, straightened, styled with heat, everything you’d do to your own hair. In order to attach them, heat is used to fuses that keratin “glue” to your hair. The extensions are placed in rows so that they always remain strategically covered by another piece of hair, even if you wear a ponytail.
How to take care of your extensions
You have to be careful with extensions, specifically the bonds. You can’t yank a brush through your hair or clamp a flatiron onto the glue spot. Many experts also recommend you don’t use products with sulfates, which can break down the bonds. Even if you follow all of those directions, it’s still possible that the extensions will loosen over time. Losing one to ten extensions is normal.
Extensions are not for the low-maintenance. If you’re a wash-and-go type of girl who doesn’t even get blowouts often, then think twice. Extensions = responsibility. You’ll need to make sure you have a special brush (I’m using a Tangle Teezer) and to brush your hair regularly. A lot of girls are afraid of brushing their hair when they have extensions, but this is key to keeping the hair tangle-free and healthy. Personally, I wear my Tangle Teezer everywhere for brush-ups throughout the day. Because it has a built-in case and is small enough to keep in your bag.
Know the older you get, knowing what to ask for from Santa can often be difficult. You’re too old for Barbie but asking for money means you miss out on the Christmas unwrapping. Well, after getting all this information, why not ask for RANA hair extensions for Christmas? A new look and a boost of confidence to carry you into the new year and beyond. Everyone want’s to look beautiful and fabulous during the Holidays.
Source: Goldiloks.co